Financial Literacy for Kids: (Easy Lesson Plans, Topics, and Games)

Financial Literacy for Kids: (Easy Lesson Plans, Topics, and Games)

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The Complete Guide to Teaching Your Child Financial Literacy

Introduction: Why Is Financial Literacy Important for your kids?

Financial literacy is important because it helps the individual to make the right decisions when it comes to managing money. They can plan for their future, set goals and meet them. This way they won’t have to worry about financial insecurity.

Financial literacy includes knowledge of personal finance, along with skills in saving and investing money, credit management, retirement planning, risk tolerance and tax awareness.

People who are literate in personal finance are better off than those who do not have that knowledge or skillsets because they take fewer risks and they know how to react in a situation where something goes wrong financially for them.

How to Get Your Kids Interested in Money

Every kid is curious about money, and with the world becoming more digitized, they are also more aware of the financial side of the world. It is important for parents to teach their kids how to be financially literate just like they would with reading or math.

Parents should start by making sure their kids understand the concept of money. This can be done through interactive games or through real-life examples. Next, it is important for them to talk about different jobs in their household and what each person pays in taxes at work. Finally, go over what it means to spend less than you earn and talk about saving up for things they want or need in the future.

Start With the Basics at a Young Age

The way children are educated today has changed drastically. We are now finding that children naturally want to learn about their interests and what is around them. This has led to the new trend of starting with the basics at a young age.

Why is it important for kids to start learning “the basics” at an early age? First, it helps kids develop lifelong skills like writing and math skills which will be useful in later years of schooling. Second, this gives kids time to explore what they are interested in without feeling pressured to excel in every subject under the sun.

This concept of teaching “the basics” begins with teaching children how to read at a young age, but can also include teaching them how to count, do basic math equations, and write things like letters and numbers.

Renick has been teaching kids about money for over 17 years and discovered that the earlier you start, the better. He also found that there are many tangible examples of financial education of which parents can read to their children or display around the house. It’s been shown in scientific research that money habits and attitudes are formed by the time you’re seven. So if your kids want to be successful adults you need to start them early.

Once your kids are old enough to know that they shouldn’t put their hands in their mouths, you should show them cash and coins. Make sure they understand what money is and how it can be used. Including them in cash transactions (even if it’s only a penny) also helps make this clear.Financial Literacy for Kids

What Should You Teach Kids about money?

Here are steps to teach your kids Financial Literacy:

  1. Play games that involve money
  2. Make a wish list with your child
  3. Teach your kids while you go shopping
  4. Give your children an allowance
  5. Split money into categories
  6. Involve your kids in major purchases
  7. Discuss wants vs. Needs
  8. Leave room for mistakes
  9. Show kids the value of giving
  10. Set a good example for your children financially


Playing games that involve money teaches children the value of money. They learn about budgeting, saving, and making decisions with their imaginary funds.

Play games with your child that include a financial element, like Monopoly or Life, and help them strategize. It’s the best way to teach. Kids love playing with money and this is a fun way to teach them the importance of saving!


A parent-child conversation is a great opportunity to teach your child about money. Here are some of the most important things you should talk about with your kids:

– How much money is in your account right now?

– What can you buy with that?

– Can we afford this?

– Where did the money come from?

– Where did it go?

Some of these questions might seem too basic or dumb, but kids need to understand how bank accounts work so they can get a sense of how it’s possible for their parents to buy them a toy.

A vital part of financial literacy is prioritising your needs. You can’t have everything at once, but you can achieve goals with time if you plan ahead. This is a good lesson for children to learn. Sit down with your child and list their five most important wishes. Talk with them about how they can get what they want.


Parents are responsible for the future generation. It’s not just about teaching them to take care of themselves and be independent. Parents need to teach their children about the world and how it works. The best way to do this is by taking them along with you while shopping to teach them as much as possible about the things we see and do – all while having fun!

Take your son or daughter shopping and explain your decision-making process. When you go into the store, tell them how much money you have to spend and tell them about your priorities. Let them see why you’re picking one item over another and explain them. Remember, children will learn from your example. You can tell them all about budgeting and let them know how important it is to be financially responsible. But if they see that you’re following a budget yourself, it will have much more of an impact.

Additionally, you could give your child a small allowance to spend themselves. You won’t believe their level of excitement when they get to buy something they want with only a limited budget! They’ll realize the importance of making careful purchases and dealing with budget restrictions at an early age.


Giving children an allowance is not just teaching them about money. It’s teaching them about how to be responsible, spend their income wisely, and the basics of budgeting.

An allowance can teach your child how to manage money in a way that aligns with their wants and needs.

Children should be given an early introduction to budgeting, not just when they are older. Show them how much each item costs so they can make informed decisions when shopping for themselves or with your help.

Giving an allowance to your child teaches them the value of money. They learn how to spend it wisely and save for their goals, as well as how not to be so careless with spending. The risks are smaller when they’re little because they have the chance to outgrow their toys. They’re less likely to get attached or, if they do, it’s not as heartbreaking. Kids also get more excited about presents that are given to them with their own money!

It’s hard to say how much allowance you should give, just know it doesn’t have to be a strict guideline. Some parents have been known to buy one dollar for every year of age. Other parents have set up chores for their children, where the kid would receive different levels of payment depending on the level of difficulty. Some examples are that kids who clean get paid more than those who just do lawn or garden chores. Some parents give their kids a limited amount of money each week to use for expenses like clothes or video games, and adjust the amount based on the purchase.

 For when it may seem infrequent, keep in mind that you’re essentially establishing a new budget for your family. This one won’t ripple in the long run so make sure it’s something you can financially cope with and enjoy with your child.


To help with their money management, get them a piggy bank that splits savings into spending money and charitable donations. Explain to them how these three things are different so they can spend their money in the way they want. Before you let them have some of their allowance, talk about what they plan to do and how this allowance relates to what they said. Place the piggy bank next to your child’s wish list so that their spending and saving goals are clear to them. Also, talk through the charitable causes your child thinks are important, and when they hit a giving goal, donate the money to that cause in your child’s name.


Kids are often bored at school. But they can still be used for buying decision-making at home. For example, if there is an expensive item that your kid really wants to buy, you can involve them in the decision process by asking them what they think about the purchase.

When it comes to vacation, making a decision for your family could be challenging. So why not use this opportunity to involve your little ones in the process? Show them what factors are involved and let them help you compare the options. It will create a meaningful lifelong memory that they can share with their classmates later on.  They’ll feel really good knowing they helped with the research to help us make a great choice for all of us.

It seems like teaching kids about money might be hard but it’s not. There are many things parents can do to make the process easier, like making sure they plan in advance and have patience. They just need to be creative about the way they go about teaching them. As your child learns the basics of finances, you can increase their financial responsibilities by helping them to open a savings account and letting them have more control over their allowance. These lessons will help your child develop healthy habits so they’ll be prepared for adulthood.

7. Discuss Wants vs. Needs

The wants and needs of children can be hard to distinguish. A present might seem like a want, but it could also be considered a need if it is something that they desperately want and do not have at home.

One of the most important skills we can teach our children is the ability to differentiate between wants and needs, so that they can better understand their own desires and how to prioritize them.

The first step in teaching kids about the value of saving is to distinguish between wants and needs. This means they’ll need to know what their “needs” are – for example, food, shelter, basic clothing, healthcare and education. Wants are the extras, like movie tickets and candy. Needs, on the other hand, are every day things like food and clothes. So you should remember not to spend too much on wants if you don’t have enough for your needs.

8. Leave Room for Mistakes

Don’t try to be perfect, it’s not possible.

One way to help kids become more responsible money managers is to let them learn from their mistakes. It can be tempting to step in and steer them away from a costly mistake, but it may be worth letting them use it as a chance for learning. Showing them what it’s like to make the wrong investments will give them a better understanding of how to invest their money wisely.

9. Show Kids the Value of Giving

Giving has many benefits to both the individual and society. We should show kids the value of giving.

The act of giving is an opportunity for kids to develop compassion, empathy, and generosity. They may also develop a sense of gratitude for all that they have, which can lead to a more positive outlook on life. In addition, research shows that people who give often tend to be happier than those who don’t give at all. This happiness leads to increased motivation, which can result in higher productivity or better performance in other areas of life.

It’s important to give your kids a head start in life by teaching them useful financial lessons. The best way to teach them, is giving them the skills they need, but also communicating your own values. For instance if you love helping others out, make it something you do with your kids too.

One way that parents can teach generosity to kids is by setting up separate jars to represent what each kid wants to spend, save, or get.

In conclusion, there are many profound benefits associated with giving.

10. Set a Good Example for your children financially

Children are impressionable. They learn many things from their parents, whether it is intentional or not.

One of the most important lessons they can take from their parents is how to manage money. The way you manage money sets the standard for your children. If you are spending recklessly, it will be hard to teach them what you think is sensible financially.

In the same T. Rowe Price survey, 23% of parents say they have no money saved for emergencies, retirement, college tuition- their own children’s future. If you want your children to be a saver too, being a saver yourself can help them in a big way. Start the new year off on the right financial foot by setting up an emergency fund or increasing your 401(k) contributions. It doesn’t have to be hard – just find some small things you can pull together as a family activity. You could also decide to spend your time & effort earning money, so that you can have your own pool one day.

Teaching Financial Literacy Through the Writing Process

Financial literacy is a key skill that’s been shown to have a positive impact on many aspects of our lives. You can’t be financially literate if you don’t know how to handle money, and you won’t be able to understand the products and services that banks and other financial institutions offer.

Writing is one of the best ways to teach children how to manage their money. It’s also a great way for adults who want to learn more about financial literacy and personal finance topics. Financial literacy is very important because it has an impact on all aspects of our lives, such as our family life, social life, education, health care decisions, retirement planning, etc.

Strategies to Make Learning Fun & Engaging

The best way to make learning fun is to provide students with activities that are engaging. This can be done in many ways, for example by giving them challenges.

Some other examples are taking students on field trips, assigning them projects and providing them feedback on assignments so they know how they’re doing.

If you want to make learning engaging for your students, try one of these methods or find a new and creative way of making it entertaining and educational for the kids.

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